Neff D85IFN1S0 N 50, Dunstabzugshaube, schwarz, 80 cm, Home Connect
Produkt Highlight Efficient Drive Motortechnologie: leiser und energieeffizienter Haubenmotor für mehr Ruhe in der Küche. Smart Hood Automatic: die Dunstabzugshaube passt sich während des Kochens automatisch an Ihre Kochfeldeinstellungen an. Kochfeldbasierte Haubensteuerung: Abzugsstärke und Beleuchtung nach Bedarf. Touch Control: dank der glatten Bedienoberfläche besonders einfache Steuerung mit nur einem Finger. LED Farbtemperatur: Warm- oder doch lieber Kaltlicht? Passen Sie die Beleuchtung Ihrer Dunstabzugshaube an Ihre Stimmung an. Die Neff D85IFN1S0 N 50 Dunstabzugshaube in Schwarz und mit einer Breite von 80 cm kombiniert stilvolles Design mit moderner Technologie. Dank der Home Connect-Funktion können Sie die Haube bequem per Smartphone oder Tablet steuern, was Ihren Küchenalltag deutlich erleichtert. Mit ihrer hohen Abluftleistung sorgt sie effizient dafür, dass Kochdünste und Gerüche schnell und gründlich entfernt werden. Die energiesparende LED-Beleuchtung bietet eine optimale Ausleuchtung des Kochfelds und schafft eine angenehme Atmosphäre in der Küche. Zusätzlich verfügt die Dunstabzugshaube über eine leise Betriebsweise, sodass sie auch bei intensiver Nutzung kaum wahrgenommen wird. Mit ihrem minimalistischen, modernen Design passt sie sich jeder Küchenumgebung perfekt an und bietet gleichzeitig höchste Funktionalität und Komfort. Bedienen Sie Ihre Haube direkt auf dem Kochfeld. Mehr Kochkomfort für Ihre Küche. Mit unserer kochfeldbasierten Haubensteuerung können Sie verschiedene Abzugsstufen einstellen und die Beleuchtung der Haube direkt über das Kochfeld regeln. Mit diesem Extra an Komfort haben Sie die Hände frei und können sich ganz dem Kochen widmen. Bessere Sicht beim Kochen. Sie kochen je nach Stimmung und Laune? Warum dann nicht auch die Atmosphäre Ihrer Küche dementsprechend einstellen? Mit der LED Farbtemperatur können Sie die Beleuchtung Ihrer Dunstabzugshaube ganz einfach einstellen - von Warm- bis Kaltlich. Und das alles, ohne auf eine hochwertige Beleuchtung verzichten zu müssen. So können Sie präzise und trotzdem komfortabel kochen - eine Kombination, auf die kein Koch verzichten sollte. Somit bleibt Ihre Küche so einzigartig und kreativ wie Sie es sind! Mit Touch Control steuern Sie die Power. Mit Touch Control können Sie die Licht- und Leistungseinstellungen Ihrer Dunstabzugshaube schnell auswählen und anpassen. Und weil das Bedienfeld in die ebene Fläche der Dunstabzugshaube integriert ist, kann alles mit einem einfachen Fingerwisch bedient werden. So haben Sie einfachen und direkten Zugriff und Kontrolle auf die Leistungsstufen und Ihr Kocherlebnis wird noch angenehmer.

Neff D88IAN2S0 N 70, Dunstabzugshaube, schwarz, 80 cm, Home Connect
Produkt Highlight Europas leiseste Schrägesse: bei Installation im Umluftbetrieb. Efficient Drive Motortechnologie: leiser und energieeffizienter Haubenmotor für mehr Ruhe in der Küche. Smart Hood Automatic: die Dunstabzugshaube passt sich während des Kochens automatisch an Ihre Kochfeldeinstellungen an. Kochfeldbasierte Haubensteuerung: Abzugsstärke und Beleuchtung nach Bedarf. LED Farbtemperatur: Warm- oder doch lieber Kaltlicht? Passen Sie die Beleuchtung Ihrer Dunstabzugshaube an Ihre Stimmung an. Die Neff D88IAN2S0 N 70 Dunstabzugshaube in elegantem Schwarz und 80 cm Breite bietet eine moderne und leistungsstarke Lösung für Ihre Küche. Dank Home Connect lassen sich die Funktionen bequem per App steuern, sodass Sie Ihre Küche intelligent und komfortabel vernetzen können. Die leistungsstarke Abluftleistung sorgt dafür, dass Dampf und Gerüche schnell und effizient entfernt werden, während das minimalistische Design nahtlos in jede moderne Küche integriert werden kann. Mit innovativen Features wie der Cooktop-based-Hood-Steuerung, die die Abzugshaube automatisch mit dem Kochfeld verbindet, bietet diese Dunstabzugshaube maximalen Komfort. Die energiesparende LED-Beleuchtung sorgt für eine klare Sicht auf das Kochfeld und rundet das stilvolle Design ab. Perfekt für alle, die Wert auf Ästhetik, Funktionalität und smarte Technologie in ihrer Küche legen. Bedienen Sie Ihre Haube direkt auf dem Kochfeld. Mehr Kochkomfort für Ihre Küche. Mit unserer kochfeldbasierten Haubensteuerung können Sie verschiedene Abzugsstufen einstellen und die Beleuchtung der Haube direkt über das Kochfeld regeln. Mit diesem Extra an Komfort haben Sie die Hände frei und können sich ganz dem Kochen widmen. Bessere Sicht beim Kochen. Sie kochen je nach Stimmung und Laune? Warum dann nicht auch die Atmosphäre Ihrer Küche dementsprechend einstellen? Mit der LED Farbtemperatur können Sie die Beleuchtung Ihrer Dunstabzugshaube ganz einfach einstellen - von Warm- bis Kaltlich. Und das alles, ohne auf eine hochwertige Beleuchtung verzichten zu müssen. So können Sie präzise und trotzdem komfortabel kochen - eine Kombination, auf die kein Koch verzichten sollte. Somit bleibt Ihre Küche so einzigartig und kreativ wie Sie es sind! Mit Touch Control steuern Sie die Power. Mit Touch Control können Sie die Licht- und Leistungseinstellungen Ihrer Dunstabzugshaube schnell auswählen und anpassen. Und weil das Bedienfeld in die ebene Fläche der Dunstabzugshaube integriert ist, kann alles mit einem einfachen Fingerwisch bedient werden. So haben Sie einfachen und direkten Zugriff und Kontrolle auf die Leistungsstufen und Ihr Kocherlebnis wird noch angenehmer.


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

AEG - Headless cooker bonnet - DVE5971HG - Black - 90 cm
The SilenceTech cooker bonnet removes unwanted cooking vapours from your kitchen and is virtually silent. The virtually silent operation of this cooker bonnet helps you to create the perfect atmosphere in your home. Ventilation function: Cleans the room air of odours after cooking The ventilation function refreshes your kitchen air quietly and effectively after cooking. Steam and odours are removed without disturbing ventilation noises, so that you and your guests can enjoy every meal without any worries. Hob2Hood: Automatic control of the extractor bonnet and lighting Thanks to the Hob²Hood function, cooking becomes noticeably more convenient - because the hob takes over control of the extractor hood and lighting when activated - fully automatically and ideally adapted to every cooking action. A powerful motor. For clean kitchen air Whether you're pan-frying a steak or cooking salmon, our high-performance motor ensures that the air in your kitchen stays fresh. Relax in the knowledge that your kitchen will always be a pleasant and inviting environment. LED lighting: for energy-saving hob lighting The LED lighting integrated in the extractor hood illuminates the hob efficiently and evenly. For more control, the best view and a complete overview of the cooking process.


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

AEG DGE5861HM Dunstabzugshaube, Hob²Hood, A, Edelstahl, 80
Die AEG DGE5861HM-Haube kann dank der integrierten Hob2Hood-Konnektivität die Belüftung und Beleuchtung des Kochbereichs intuitiv steuern. Aeg DGE5861HM eingebaute Haube - Edelstahl SAUBERE LUFT. SCHNELLER. Diese Haube befreit die Küche von Kochdämpfen ... sofort. Dies liegt daran, dass die Motorhaube einen Motor hat effektiv und kraftvoll zugleich. DIE AUTOMATISCHE STEUERKOCHERHAUBE Diese Haube verfügt über die Hob2Hood®-Funktion, eine nützliche Funktion, die die Haube und ihre Lichter automatisch steuert. Lassen Sie die Hob2Hood®-Funktion den Lüfter regulieren, während Sie sich auf die Schlüsselmomente für die Zubereitung des Gerichts konzentrieren perfekt. Wenn Sie den Lüfter selbst einstellen möchten, gibt es auch manuelle Bedienelemente am Kochfeld. LUFT MIT WENIGER VERBRAUCH REINIGEN Ein leistungsstarker Motor mit geringem Verbrauch ermöglicht es dieser Haube, Gerüche zuverlässig und effektiv zu entfernen Küche. KLARES UND HELLES LICHT: DAS IDEALE ZUM KOCHEN. Das LED-Licht ist ideal zur Beleuchtung des Kochfelds. Es garantiert auch maximale Haltbarkeit bei geringerem Verbrauch Energie. EINFACHE BERÜHRUNG. TOTALE KONTROLLE Der gesamte Funktionsumfang der Haube ist in einer elektronischen Steuerung zusammengefasst. Auf diese Weise können die Einstellungen mit einer einzigen Berührung präzise und intuitiv überwacht und eingestellt werden.


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

AEG DVE5971HB 9000 SilenceTech Wandhaube, Hob²Hood, 90 cm, schwarz
AEG DVE5971HB 9000 SilenceTech Wandhaube SilenceTech Dunstabzugshaube: Befreit Küche leise von Kochdämpfen, für perfekte Atmosphäre. Lüften-Funktion: Effektive Geruchsreinigung nach dem Kochen, leise und störungsfrei. Hob²Hood: Automatische Steuerung von Dunstabzug und Beleuchtung für maximalen Komfort. Leistungsstarker Motor: Hält Küchenluft frisch, egal bei welchem Kochvorgang. LED-Beleuchtung: Energieeffiziente Ausleuchtung des Kochfeldes für optimale Sicht und Kontrolle. Besonders leise. Für eine entspanntere Atmosphäre Silencetech ist die innovative Spitzentechnologie zur Reinigung Ihrer Küchenluft. Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Küche frei von Kochdämpfen zu halten und bieten Ihnen einen praktisch geräuschlosen Service, damit Sie eine angenehme Küchenatmosphäre schaffen können. Lüften-Funktion: Reinigt die Raumluft nach dem Kochen von Gerüchen Die Lüften-Funktion frischt Ihre Küchenluft nach dem Kochen leise und effektiv auf. Ohne störende Lüftungsgeräusche werden Dampf und Gerüche entfernt, so dass Sie und Ihre Gäste jede Mahlzeit unbeschwert genießen können. Hob2Hood: Automatische Steuerung der Dunstabzugshaube und der Beleuchtung Dank der Hob²Hood-Funktion wird Kochen spürbar komfortabler – denn das Kochfeld übernimmt beim Aktivieren die Steuerung von Dunstabzug und Beleuchtung – vollautomatisch und ideal angepasst an jede Kochaktion. Ein leistungsstarker Motor. Für saubere Küchenluft Egal, ob Sie ein Steak in der Pfanne braten oder Lachs garen – unser Hochleistungsmotor sorgt dafür, dass die Luft in Ihrer Küche frisch bleibt. Entspannen Sie sich in der Gewissheit, dass Ihre Küche immer eine angenehme und einladende Umgebung bleibt. LED-Beleuchtung: für energiesparende Kochfeldbeleuchtung Die im Dunstabzug integrierte LED-Beleuchtung leuchtet das Kochfeld effizient und gleichmäßig aus. Für mehr Kontrolle, beste Sicht und vollen Überblick aufs Kochgeschehen. Immer das Wichtigste im Blick mit dem blauen Lichtpunkt als Betriebsanzeige - infoLight. Immer das Wichtigste im Blick mit dem blauen Lichtpunkt als Betriebsanzeige - infoLight. Die SilenceTech Dunstabzugshaube befreit Ihre Küche von unerwünschten Kochdämpfen und ist dabei praktisch geräuschlos. Der nahezu geräuschlose Betrieb dieser Dunstabzugshaube hilft Ihnen, die perfekte Atmosphäre in Ihrem Zuhause zu schaffen.

BOSCH DFR067A52 Series 4 flat screen bonnet, 60 cm, silver metallic
The Bosch DFR067A52 flat-screen bonnet is suitable for installation in a 60 cm wide special wall unit and quickly and completely removes the vapours rising from the hob with three power levels and an intensive level with automatic reset. All power levels and the workstation lighting with two 1.5-watt LED lamps can be conveniently controlled via electronic short-stroke keys on the 60 cm wide pull-out hob. In addition, the DFR067A52 has a fan run-on function (10 minutes) and the two EcoSilence Drive motors are highly efficient motors that save on electricity but not on power. The metal grease filter of the DFR067A52 is dishwasher-safe and can be used more often, which is good for the environment.   Flat screen bonnets: barely visible when integrated into a wall unit, they ensure a clear kitchen design. Handle strips: Select the right colour from various Bosch handle strips. EcoSilence Drive™: the powerful and energy-saving motor for cooker bonnets. LED lighting: for perfect illumination of the cooking zone with extremely low energy consumption. Intensive level: removes strong cooking odours particularly quickly and effectively.     Flat screen bonnets: barely visible when integrated into a wall unit, they ensure a clear kitchen design. Hardly audible in the kitchen. Hardly visible on the stream.Sometimes you can't even enjoy the sound of sizzling in the pan because the cooker bonnet is far too noisy. By using a high performance fan and optimising the airflow inside the cooker bonnet, a Bosch cooker bonnet with EcoSilence Drive motor technology operates much quieter and saves over 80% energy*. The motor does not cause any mechanical friction; this not only results in less operating noise, but also in improved longevity. * Based on an average fan operating time of one hour per day on level 2 and with the lighting switched on for two hours per day.Metal grease filtersMetal grease filters are required for exhaust and recirculation bonnets to filter grease and other solids from the intake air. To maintain their high efficiency, they should be cleaned by hand or in the dishwasher about once a month.The optimum fan power for every kitchen size.No matter whether you have an open-plan kitchen or a small closed kitchen. We offer the optimum fan performance for every type of kitchen. For a uniformly pleasant room climate, the air should be completely exchanged 6 to 12 times per hour. To achieve this, the air delivery rate or the performance of the cooker bonnet must correspond to the room volume.       EcoSilence Drive™ Your cooker bonnet is now even quieter: The EcoSilence Drive™ uses strong magnets. And because there is virtually no friction, the energy loss is minimal. This makes the drive system not only efficient, but also extremely quiet and durable. Save energy and enjoy your kitchen - in peace.   LED lighting LED lighting: for perfect illumination of the cooking zone with extremely low energy consumption.   High fan power No matter whether you have an open-plan kitchen or a small closed kitchen. We offer the optimum fan performance for every type of kitchen. For a uniformly pleasant room climate, the air should be completely exchanged 6 to 12 times per hour. To achieve this, the air delivery rate or the performance of the cooker bonnet must correspond to the room volume.   Metal grease filters Metal grease filters are required for exhaust and recirculation bonnets to filter grease and other solids from the intake air. To maintain their high efficiency, they should be cleaned by hand or in the dishwasher about once a month. The metal grease filter is included in the scope of delivery.  


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

BOSCH DFS067K51 Flat panel bonnet 60 cm stainless steel Series 8
Regardless of whether you have an open-plan kitchen or a small closed kitchen. We offer the optimum fan performance for every type of kitchen. For a consistently pleasant room climate, the air should be completely exchanged 6 to 12 times per hour. To achieve this, the air flow rate or the extractor bonnet output must correspond to the room volume. Your cooker bonnet is now even quieter: the Eco Silence Drive™ uses powerful magnets. And because there is virtually no friction, energy loss is minimised. This makes the drive system not only efficient, but also extremely quiet and durable. Save energy and enjoy your kitchen - in peace. LED lighting: for perfect illumination of the hob with extremely low energy consumption. Metal grease filters are required for exhaust air and recirculation bonnets to filter grease and other solids from the intake air. To maintain their high efficiency, they should be cleaned by hand or in the dishwasher about once a month. The metal grease filter is included in the scope of delivery.

BOSCH DRC99PS20, Serie 8, Deckenlüfter, 90 cm, weiß
Die Wandhaube Bosch DRC99PS20 eignet sich optimal zur Deckenmontage über Kochinseln. Die 90 cm breite Inselhaube führt die aufsteigende Luft vom Kochfeld mit drei Leistungsstufen und zwei Intensivstufen mit automatischer Rückstellung schnell und restlos ab. Über die Infrarot-Fernbedienung oder Sprachsteuerung mittels der gängigen Sprachassistenten lassen sich bei der DRC99PS20 alle Leistungsstufen und die Arbeitsplatzbeleuchtung mit vier dimmbaren LED-Leuchten à 3 Watt bequem steuern. Auch eine kochfeldbasierte Haubensteuerung ist mit einem passendem Kochfeld möglich. Der Metall-Fettfilter ist spülmaschinengeeignet und kann somit häufiger verwendet werden, was die Umwelt schont. darüber hinaus überzeugt die DRC99PS20 mit einer Sättigungsanzeige für den Metallfett- und Aktivkohlefilter, einem automatischen Gebläsenachlauf sowie einer Randabsaugung. PerfectAir-Sensor: automatische Abzugssteuerung – extrem leistungsstark und geräuscharm. Steuern Sie Ihre Dunstabzugshaube über das Kochfeld. EcoSilence Drive™: der leistungsstarke und energiesparende Motor für Dunstabzugshauben. LED-Beleuchtung: für perfekte Ausleuchtung der Kochstelle bei extrem niedrigem Energieverbrauch. Intensivstufe: beseitigt starke Kochgerüche besonders schnell und effektiv. Bauform Für Deckenmontage über Kochinseln Design Filterabdeckung aus Glas Stilvolle LED-Beleuchtung hinter Glas Randabsaugung Reinigungsfreundlicher Innenrahmen in weiß Betriebsart und Leistung Wahlweise Abluft- oder Umluftbetrieb Lüfterleistung bei Abluftbetrieb nach EN 61591: max. Normalstufe 458 m³/h, Intensivstufe 933 m³/h Geräuschwerte nach EN 60704-2-13 bei Abluftbetrieb: Max. Normalstufe: 56 dB(A) re 1 pW Intensivstufe: 70 dB(A) re 1 pW Bei Einsatz des separat erhältlichen Clean Air Plus Umluftsets (Sonderzubehör) erreicht ihr Gerät im Umluftbetrieb folgende Werte: Umluftstufe: Max. Normalbetrieb: 419 m³/h Intensivstufe: 637 m³/h Geräuschwerte Umluft:  Max. Normalstufe: 63 dB(A) re 1 pW Intensivstufe: 72 dB(A) re 1 pW 3 Leistungsstufen + 2 Intensivstufen Gebläsenachlauf 10 Minuten Umwelt und Sicherheit Energieeffizienzklasse: A (auf einer Energieeffizienzklassen-Skala von A+++ bis D) Durchschnittlicher Energieverbrauch: 46.8 kWh/Jahr* Lüfter-Effizienzklasse: A* Beleuchtungs-Effizienzklasse: A* Fettfilter-Effizienzklasse: E* Geräusch min./max. Normalstufe: 41/56 dB Komfort kochfeldbasierte Haubensteuerung (mit passendem Kochfeld) Fernsteuerung und –kontrolle für die Vernetzung von Hausgeräten und eine Bedienung per Smartphone oder Tablet (nur in Ländern, in denen Home Connect Service verfügbar ist) Die Home Connect Funktionalität lässt sich durch die Einbindung zahlreicher Anwendungen externer Kooperationspartner (Partnering) beliebig erweitern Sprachsteuerung über gängige Sprachassistenten möglich PerfectAir Luftgütesensor vollautomatische Dunstabzugshaube Elektronische Steuerung über Fernbedienung Infrarot-Fernbedienung Intensivstufe mit automatischer Rückstellung Intervall-Funktion: über Home Connect verfügbar Silence-Funktion: über Home Connect verfügbar Doppelflutiges Hochleistungsgebläse EcoSilence Drive Drehbarer Lüfter, Luftaustritt aus allen vier Seiten möglich Arbeitsplatzbeleuchtung mit 6 x 3W LED-Modul Dimm-Funktion SoftLight Beleuchtungsstärke: 1128 lux Farbtemperatur: 3500 K Kassette mit Edelstahlrahmen Metallfettfilter, spülmaschinengeeignet Sättigungsanzeige für Fett - und Geruchsfilter Maße Gerätemaße (BxT): 910 x 510 mm Einbaumaße (HxBxT): 299 x 888 x 487 mm Technische Informationen Gesamtanschlusswert: 268 W Länge Anschlusskabel: 1.3 m mit Stecker Abluftstutzen ø 150 mm

Bosch DWB97CM50 Series 6 wall-mounted boiler, recirculation & exhaust air, 90 cm wide, stainless steel
Product Highlights The Wandesse: is mounted on the wall and gives you freedom in kitchen planning. Eco Silence Drive™: the powerful and energy-saving motor for extractor hoods. DirectSelect operation: set the extractor hood quickly by touch. LED lighting: for perfect illumination of the cooking area with extremely low energy consumption. Intensive level: removes strong cooking smells particularly quickly and effectively. Eco Silence Drive™ Your extractor hood is now even quieter: the Eco Silence Drive™ uses strong magnets. And because there is virtually no friction, the energy loss is minimal. That's it Drive system not only efficient, but also extremely quiet and durable. Save energy and enjoy your kitchen – in peace. DirectSelect operation With the new, easy-to-read DirectSelect operation, you can easily select different Choose levels and high performance settings. There is also a touch panel with which you can Turn lights on and off. Metal grease filter Metal grease filters are required for exhaust and recirculation hoods to trap grease and other solids filter from the intake air. So that the high effectiveness is maintained, they should cleaned by hand or in the dishwasher about once a month. The metal grease filter is included. Silence Whisper Quiet The cooker hoods from Bosch are designed so that you can talk undisturbed while cooking quiet that you will hardly notice them. Usually the noise is caused by that Own noise of the engine and by the air flow, depending on the back pressure and power of the engines. In air extraction mode, most of the noise is emitted to the outside through the air extraction pipe promoted.With circulating air, the noise level can be reduced using the special activated carbon filter in the CleanAir module and special insulation can be reduced by a further 3 dB(A). LED lighting LED lighting: for perfect illumination of the cooking area with extremely low energy consumption. High fan performance It doesn't matter whether you have an open kitchen or a small closed kitchen. We offer the best Fan power for every type of kitchen. For an evenly comfortable room climate, the air should be 6 to 12 times be completely replaced per hour. In order to achieve this, the air flow rate or the performance the extractor hood correspond to the volume of the room.

BOSCH DWK67FN60 Series 4, wall-mounted boiler, 60 cm, clear glass black printed
Product highlight Eco Silence Drive™: the powerful and energy-saving motor for cooker bonnets. Smart Hood Automatic: The extractor bonnet automatically adjusts to the settings of your hob during cooking. Control your extractor bonnet via the hob. Adjustable colour temperature: From warm to cool white, adjustment to the room lighting is available via Home Connect. DirectSelect operation: adjust the extractor bonnet quickly by touch. The BOSCH DWK67FN60 Series 4 wall-mounted extractor bonnet is a stylish and powerful extractor bonnet with a width of 60 cm and an elegant black clear glass design. It offers efficient extraction of steam and odours thanks to its powerful motor and TouchControl operation. With a maximum fan output of 680 m³/h, it ensures fresh air in your kitchen. The bonnet is equipped with energy-saving LED lighting that optimally illuminates the hob. It also has an intensive ventilation mode for particularly strong odours, which automatically resets itself after a few minutes. Energy-efficient and extremely quiet. Your cooker bonnet is now even quieter: the Eco Silence Drive™ uses powerful magnets. And because there is virtually no friction, energy loss is minimised. This makes the drive system not only efficient, but also extremely quiet and durable. Save energy and enjoy your kitchen - in peace. Ultra-efficient control of your extractor bonnet. With the new, easy-to-read DirectSelect control, you can conveniently select different levels and high-performance settings. There is also a touch panel that you can use to switch the lighting on and off.


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

BOSCH Serie 2 - Wall-mounted DWK85DK60 - 80 cm - Clear glass black printed
Product highlight Filter saturation: automatic reminders to clean and replace the filters. Touch Select Basic: quick selection of settings via touch operation. Quiet motor: Enjoy a quiet cooking experience with maximum extraction power and low noise levels. The Bosch Series 2 Wall Hob DWK85DK60 is an outstanding addition to any modern kitchen that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also offers first class performance. With a width of 80 cm, it fits perfectly over the cooking area and provides a generous cover for effective extraction of steam, odours and cooking vapours during cooking. Its housing is made from high quality clear glass, elegantly printed in black, giving it a contemporary and stylish look that blends seamlessly into any kitchen décor. For more peace and quiet in the kitchen. Enjoy a quiet cooking experience with our silent motor, designed to maximise extractor performance and minimise noise pollution. Say goodbye to noisy cooker bonnets and look forward to a more comfortable atmosphere where you can cook and socialise undisturbed. With our efficient ventilation system, you can enjoy a relaxed and pleasant cooking experience, whatever the occasion. Simple operation of your bonnet. Have your kitchen under control. With Touch Select Basic, you can easily control the power level and LED lighting of your extractor bonnet at the touch of a button. No matter which setting you need, the Touch Select Basic function responds immediately. The safer and easier way to clean your bonnet. To maintain a perfectly clean kitchen, you need to clean your bonnet occasionally. The interior design of our extractor bonnets is optimised for easy and safe cleaning. There are no sharp edges and corners, no visible cables and no screws. Thanks to the large opening angle, cleaning is child's play as every angle can be reached effortlessly.


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

NEFF D46ED52X1 N50 Flat Panel Hood 60cm Silver Metallic
Immerse yourself in the world of the NEFF D46ED52X1 N50 flat screen bonnet in silver metallic and be inspired by its outstanding functions and appealing design. This high-quality kitchen appliance is the perfect choice for anyone looking for an effective and aesthetically pleasing solution to purify the air in their kitchen. With a width of 60 cm, the NEFF D46ED52X1 N50 flat screen bonnet fits perfectly over your hob and ensures that fumes and odours are efficiently extracted. The silver metallic design gives your kitchen a modern touch and makes it shine. The flat screen bonnet not only impresses with its elegant appearance, but also with its powerful extraction. You can select different extraction levels to adjust the performance of the bonnet to your individual needs. This allows you to concentrate fully on cooking without having to worry about unwanted odours. Features Integrable Exhaust air Circulating air Short-stroke keys Stainless steel washable Extremely quiet NEFF D46ED52X1 N50 Flat Panel Hood 60cm Silver Metallic The NEFF D46ED52X1 N50 flat panel bonnet operates extremely quietly, allowing you to develop your cooking skills in a quiet and relaxed environment. Noise is minimised while the air quality in your kitchen is improved. Operating the flat screen bonnet is as simple as can be. With the intuitive controls, you can easily adjust the extraction levels and the lighting. The integrated lighting ensures optimal illumination of your hob so you can keep an eye on every dish. Another advantage of the NEFF D46ED52X1 N50 flat screen bonnet is its easy cleaning. The metal grease filters can be easily removed and cleaned to maintain optimal performance of the bonnet. This keeps your kitchen fresh and clean at all times. Choose the NEFF D46ED52X1 N50 flat screen bonnet in metallic silver and benefit from an effective and aesthetically pleasing solution for purifying the air in your kitchen. With its powerful extraction, quiet operation and modern design, it will not only enhance your cooking experience but also transform your kitchen into a real highlight. Get the NEFF D46ED52X1 N50 flat screen bonnet and experience quality and design in perfection.

€464.99* MSRP: €812.00*
NEFF D83IDK1S0 N 30 Wall-mounted 80 cm clear glass black printed
Product highlight Reduced noise development Intensive stage with automatic switch-back Touch Control LED lighting Filter saturation indicator The NEFF D83IDK1S0 N 30 wall-mounted extractor bonnet is a stylish and powerful extractor bonnet that will be an eye-catcher in any modern kitchen. With a width of 80 cm and an elegant black clear glass design, it blends seamlessly into your kitchen environment and provides a high-quality look. This wall-mounted extractor offers powerful extraction performance, ensuring your kitchen remains free from fumes and odours. With three power levels and one intensive level, the extractor bonnet adapts flexibly to your cooking needs. The LED lighting ensures even and energy-efficient illumination of the hob so that you always have a perfect overview. The D83IDK1S0 has a user-friendly touch control panel that allows you to control the power levels and light effortlessly. The metal grease filter is dishwasher-safe, making cleaning particularly easy and convenient. Thanks to its quiet operating noise, the NEFF D83IDK1S0 N 30 Wandesse is barely audible even when cooking, contributing to a pleasant atmosphere in the kitchen. This cooker bonnet combines functionality with modern design and is the ideal choice for any demanding kitchen environment. Intensive vapour control We know how important it is to keep a cool head when things get hot while cooking. The intensive level with automatic switch-back helps when there is a lot of steam, as it automatically activates the highest fan power. And the best thing is that it switches back automatically as soon as the steam decreases. So you can focus on what's important: Your cooking experience. See better. Cook better. Your kitchen deserves to be shown in the best light. Our extractor bonnets with LED lighting not only look good, they also make it easy for you to concentrate on what's important: Your favourite dishes - and in the best light.


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

NEFF D85IEE1S0 head-free hood series N 30, 80 cm wide - black
Enjoy free cooking without annoying vapours with the Neff D85IEE1S0 N30 wall-mounted boiler in elegant black! This extractor bonnet impresses with: Impressive width of 80 cm:Perfect for large hobs and efficient extraction of cooking vapours. Perfect for large hobs and efficient extraction of cooking vapours.Simple control of the 3 power levels and lighting at the touch of a finger. Radiant LED lighting:Ensures optimum illumination of the hob and a pleasant ambience in the kitchen. Powerful suction:With 3 selectable power levels for different cooking intensities. Flexible utilisation:Optionally available in recirculation or exhaust air mode. Efficient edge extraction:Captures cooking vapours directly at the point of origin at the edge of the bonnet. High-quality materials:Stainless steel surface and glass front for a modern and elegant design. Quiet and energy-saving:Quiet operation and high energy efficiency thanks to modern motor technology. The Neff D85IEE1S0 N30 wall hob is the perfect choice for anyone who values convenient and efficient cooker bonnets with a stylish design. Your kitchen deserves the most beautiful lighting design. Our extractor bonnets with LED light not only look good, but also help you to concentrate fully on cooking. Discover further advantages: Recirculation mode with odour filter:Ideal for flats without an exhaust air duct. Easy to clean:Grease filter and metal filter are dishwasher-safe. Quick and easy installation:Thanks to the fixing material supplied. Order the Neff D85IEE1S0 N30 wall-mounted boiler now and experience comfortable headroom when cooking! Matching accessories: Activated charcoal filter for recirculation mode:For odour-free air in your kitchen. Wall mounting set:For safe and stable installation. Order your NEFF D85IEE1S0 range bonnet now at and benefit from our favourable prices and fast delivery times!

NEFF D98IPT2S0 Wall-mounted 90 cm clear glass black printed
Product highlight Efficient Drive motor technology: quiet and energy-efficient bonnet motor for more peace and quiet in the kitchen. Automatic air sensor - automatically adjusts the extraction strength Cooktop-based bonnet control: Extraction power and lighting as required. LED colour temperature: warm or cold light? Customise the lighting of your extractor bonnet to suit your mood. The NEFF D98IPT2S0 wall-mounted 90 cm wide hob impresses with its elegant design made of clear glass and finished with a black print. It fits perfectly into modern kitchens and reliably removes cooking vapours and odours with its powerful extraction performance. Thanks to its quiet operation, it is particularly suitable for open-plan kitchens. The touch display enables intuitive control, while the energy-saving LED lighting illuminates the hob perfectly. In addition to its attractive appearance, the extractor bonnet scores with high energy efficiency and easy-care filters that are easy to clean. The automatic run-on function ensures continuous air purification, even after cooking. With this bonnet, you not only enjoy a fresh kitchen, but also modern design and convenient functions. Better visibility when cooking. Do you cook according to your mood? Then why not set the atmosphere in your kitchen accordingly? With the LED colour temperature, you can easily adjust the lighting in your extractor bonnet - from warm to cool. And all this without having to do without high-quality lighting. This allows you to cook precisely and yet conveniently - a combination that no chef should be without. So your kitchen remains as unique and creative as you are! Operate your bonnet directly on the hob. More cooking convenience for your kitchen. With our hob-based bonnet control, you can set different extraction levels and control the bonnet lighting directly via the hob. With this extra convenience, you have your hands free and can devote your full attention to cooking. The automatically controlled extractor bonnet. Cooking produces different vapours and odours every time. With our automatic air sensor, you have your hands free for cooking because the sensor takes care of the correct bonnet setting. Simply switch it on: When the sensor detects vapours or odours, the extractor bonnet comes to life and automatically adjusts the extraction level - no matter what hob you have.

NEFF N30 wall-mounted D63IDK1S0, 60 cm clear glass black printed
Product highlight Reduced noise: our optimised motor for a quiet cooking experience. Intensive stage with automatic switch-back: for peak performance with strong vapour development. Touch Control: particularly easy to control with just one finger thanks to the smooth user interface. LED lighting: a clear view when cooking. Filter saturation indicator: automatic reminders when the filter needs to be cleaned or replaced. The NEFF N30 D63IDK1S0 wall-mounted extractor hood with a width of 60 cm combines modern design with powerful technology. The black clear glass front gives the cooker bonnet an elegant and timeless look that fits perfectly into modern kitchens. It provides efficient extraction of cooking vapours and odours and ensures a fresh kitchen atmosphere. The user-friendly controls make it easy to operate, while the integrated LED lighting ensures optimum illumination of the hob. This wall-mounted hob combines style and functionality at a high level. Intensive vapour control We know how important it is to keep a cool head when things get hot during cooking. The intensive level with automatic switch-back helps when there is a lot of steam, as it automatically activates the highest fan power. And the best thing is that it switches back automatically as soon as the steam decreases. So you can focus on what's important: Your cooking experience. See better. Cook better. Your kitchen deserves to be shown in the best light. Our extractor bonnets with LED lighting not only look good, they also make it easy for you to concentrate on what's important: Your favourite dishes - and in the best light. You control the power with Touch Control. With Touch Control, you can quickly select and adjust the light and power settings of your cooker bonnet. And because the control panel is integrated into the flat surface of the cooker bonnet, everything can be operated with a simple swipe of the finger. This gives you easy and direct access and control of the power levels and makes your cooking experience even more enjoyable.


Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

SIEMENS iQ500 ceiling fan LR97CBS20, 90 cm - White
The low-noise, powerful extractor fan. Now cooking is even more fun: our extractor bonnets with iQdrive motor reliably remove odours and vapours from your kitchen and are pleasantly quiet at the same time. Perfect interaction - cookConnect system and air quality sensor With cookConnect, the hob and cooker bonnet are now connected. The WLAN-enabled cooker bonnet is activated as soon as you start cooking on the WLAN-enabled hob and steam starts to build up. The air quality sensor in the cooker bonnet detects steam and odours and adjusts the fan power precisely as required. As soon as the air is clean, it switches off again. Your smart extractor bonnet. Thanks to our partnership with Amazon Alexa, you can now control your cooker bonnet via the Siemens Home Connect app. Activate voiceControl to make the bonnet respond to your smart speaker. This allows you to quickly change lighting and power levels. The app for your smart cooker bonnet. Thanks to our partnership with Amazon Alexa, your cooker bonnet now works like a smart assistant. With the Siemens Home Connect app, your hands remain free when you adjust the power level and lighting. No matter where you are in your home, you'll always stay connected. Filter saturation With the Home Connect app, you can conveniently check the condition of the grease and activated charcoal filters in your cooker bonnet at any time. If they need to be cleaned, replaced or regenerated, you will automatically receive a reminder message - so that nothing stands in the way of the maximum performance of your cooker bonnet. Networked devices With the Home Connect app, you can easily control your WLAN-enabled home appliances from Siemens on your smartphone. The ever-growing network of partner solutions opens up completely new perspectives and possibilities for networking. For an everyday life that is more efficient and exciting than ever before. Remote control Your appliances should adapt to your schedule, not the other way round. With the Home Connect app, you can easily select programmes and start your WLAN-enabled Siemens appliances at any time while you're on the move. Remote Diagnostic If required, our customer service can be activated for the device in the event of a fault and carry out an initial fault analysis remotely - Remote Diagnostics. Remote monitoring Thanks to Home Connect, relaxation is now just a click away: you can keep an eye on your appliance's settings and receive push notifications as soon as the selected programme has run through. Illuminates the hob optimally and saves energy - LED lighting The energy-saving LED lighting offers optimum visibility and transforms the entire kitchen into a pleasant highlight. Pleasantly quiet in the kitchen. Kitchen noise can be quite annoying. That's why the extremely quiet extractor bonnets from Siemens are not only very powerful, but also particularly quiet. So you can devote yourself entirely to cooking and your guests. Pleasantly quiet motor Now you can enjoy a relaxed chat with your guests in the kitchen. The powerful motor with high fan performance removes vapours and odours particularly quietly. Intensive stage with automatic switch-back With the "Intensive" setting, the fan output is briefly increased for particularly strong kitchen vapours and automatically reduced again after 6 minutes.


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

SIEMENS iQ700 LI67SA671 flat screen extractor hood black, 600 mm
Odors and fumes from cooking can be annoying and pollute the air in the room. The Siemens iQ700 LI67SA671 flat screen extractor hood in elegant black offers an effective solution to this problem. Thanks to its innovative technology, it removes odors and vapors quickly and thoroughly, so you can concentrate on cooking and enjoy a pleasant indoor climate. The hood has several power levels and integrated LED lighting, which ensures perfect illumination of the cooking surface. The Siemens iQ700 LI67SA671 flat screen cooker hood not only impresses with its high efficiency, but also with its modern design. The flat design can be optimally integrated into any kitchen without being obtrusive. The hood is made of high-quality material and is easy to clean. The Siemens iQ700 LI67SA671 flat-screen extractor hood also has convenient operation. The integrated touch controls allow easy and intuitive adjustment of power levels and lighting. Overall, the Siemens iQ700 LI67SA671 flat-screen cooker hood is a powerful and elegant device that guarantees you a pleasant cooking experience and clean indoor air.

Siemens LC65KDK60 iQ100 wall-mounted boiler, 60 cm, clear glass, black
Intensive stage with automatic downshift: full power - but only for as long as you need it. For quiet moments: the pleasantly quiet motor. touchControl: Extractor power and LED lighting can be adjusted with just one touch. LED lighting: Illuminates the hob optimally and saves energy Filter saturation: automatic reminders to clean and replace the filters. Top performance that regulates itself smartly. When cooking several dishes at the same time or searing a good piece of meat, a lot of steam is produced for a short time. The intensive level is available for these situations. The intensive level is set so that it switches back automatically after five or ten minutes. This ensures that your extractor hood is running at full throttle during the increased steam development, but that you are not exposed to the increased noise level for longer than necessary. Pleasantly quiet. Now you can relax and chat to your guests while cooking. The powerful motor removes vapours and odours particularly quietly. Simple operation. Your kitchen is under control. With touchControl, you can control the extraction power and LED light of your extractor bonnet with a simple touch. No matter which setting you choose, the touchControl function responds immediately. Pleasant and economical lighting. The energy-saving LED lighting offers optimum visibility and transforms the entire kitchen into a pleasant highlight. Consistently high performance. When was the last time you changed your filter? Thanks to the filter saturation function, your extractor hood automatically reminds you when your filters need to be cleaned or replaced. This ensures that your extractor hood delivers consistently high performance and optimally removes vapours, grease and odours from the air. The touchControl operation gives you all the information you need at a glance and allows you to change settings and reset the saturation indicator.

SIEMENS LC66BBM50 iQ300 wall-mounted boiler 60 cm stainless steel
Product highlight LED lighting: Illuminates the hob optimally and saves energy Extremely quiet: the low-noise extractor fan ensures peace and quiet in the kitchen. touchControl: Extractor power and LED lighting can be adjusted with just one touch. Intensive stage with automatic downshift: full power - but only for as long as you need it. The Siemens LC66BBM50 wall-mounted stainless steel oven is an elegant and powerful solution for any modern kitchen. With its 60 cm width and sleek stainless steel design, it blends seamlessly into your kitchen décor and adds a touch of elegance to your cooking environment. This wall-mounted eatery is equipped with a powerful motor that works efficiently and quietly to effectively eliminate cooking vapours and odours. Thanks to the intuitive touch controls, you can control the cooker bonnet easily and precisely, while the energy-saving LED lighting ensures optimum illumination of your cooking surface. With various power levels and an optional intensive level, the Siemens LC66BBM50 Wall-Esse offers maximum flexibility and performance for your kitchen. It is also easy to install and clean, making it a practical and user-friendly choice for any household. Top performance that regulates itself smartly. When cooking several dishes at the same time or searing a good piece of meat, a lot of steam is produced for a short time. The intensive level is available for these situations. The intensive level is set to switch off automatically after six minutes. This ensures that your extractor hood runs at full throttle during the increased steam development, but you are not exposed to the increased noise level for longer than necessary. Pleasant and economical lighting. The energy-saving LED lighting offers optimum visibility and transforms the entire kitchen into a pleasant highlight. Simple operation. Your kitchen is under control. With touchControl, you can control the extraction power and LED light of your extractor bonnet with a simple touch. No matter which setting you choose, the touchControl function responds immediately.

Siemens LC67BIP50 iQ500 Wandesse, 60 cm, Edelstahl
iQdrive-Motor: der leise, leistungsstarke Motor für ein effizientes Absaugen von Gerüchen und Dünsten. LED-Beleuchtung: Erhellt das Kochfeld optimal und stromsparend touchControl: Abzugsleistung und LED-Beleuchtung können mit nur einer Berührung eingestellt werden. Intensivstufe mit automatischer Rückschaltung: volle Power - aber nur, solange du sie brauchst. Geräuscharm und leistungsstark. Jetzt macht Kochen noch mehr Spaß: Unsere Dunstabzüge mit iQdrive-Motor befreien deine Küche zuverlässig von Gerüchen und Dünsten und sind dabei angenehm leise. Angenehme und sparsame Beleuchtung. Die energiesparende LED-Beleuchtung bietet optimale Sicht und verwandelt die ganze Küche in ein angenehmes Highlight. Spitzenleistung, die sich smart reguliert. Beim Kochen von mehreren Gerichten zur selben Zeit oder beim scharfen Anbraten eines guten Stücks Fleisch entsteht kurzzeitig besonders viel Dampf. Für diese Fälle gibt es die Intensivstufe. Die Intensivstufe ist so eingestellt, dass sie sich nach sechs Minuten automatisch zurückschaltet. Das stellt sicher, dass dein Dunstabzug während der erhöhten Dampfentwicklung Vollgas gibt, du jedoch nicht länger als nötig dem erhöhten Geräuschpegel ausgesetzt bist. Einfache Bedienung. Deine Küche ist unter Kontrolle. Mit touchControl kannst du die Abzugsleistung und das LED-Licht deiner Dunstabzugshaube mit einfacher Berührung steuern. Egal, für welche Einstellung du dich entscheidest, die touchControl-Funktion reagiert umgehend. Spitzenleistung, die sich smart reguliert. Beim Kochen von mehreren Gerichten zur selben Zeit oder beim scharfen Anbraten eines guten Stücks Fleisch entsteht kurzzeitig besonders viel Dampf. Für diese Fälle gibt es die Intensivstufe. Die Intensivstufe ist so eingestellt, dass sie sich nach sechs Minuten automatisch zurückschaltet. Das stellt sicher, dass dein Dunstabzug während der erhöhten Dampfentwicklung Vollgas gibt, du jedoch nicht länger als nötig dem erhöhten Geräuschpegel ausgesetzt bist.

Siemens LC67KFN60 iQ300 wall-mounted 60 cm clear glass black
Product highlight iQdrive motor: the quiet, powerful motor for efficient extraction of odours and vapours. cookConnect system: regulate the power levels and lighting of the extractor bonnet directly on the hob. touchControl: Extractor power and LED lighting can be adjusted with just one touch. LED light with adjustable light temperature: adjust the lighting to your preferences and needs. Intelligent automatic extractor: the perfect interplay between hob and extractor bonnet for greater cooking convenience. The Siemens LC67KFN60 iQ300 is an elegant wall-mounted extractor hood with a slimline design and a width of 60 cm. The housing is made of high-quality clear glass printed in black, giving the cooker bonnet a modern and stylish look. With its effective extraction performance, it ensures that the air in your kitchen is cleaned quickly and efficiently while you cook. The Siemens LC67KFN60 iQ300 is an ideal solution for modern kitchens that prioritise functionality and aesthetics. Simple operation. Your kitchen is under control. With touchControl, you can control the extraction power and LED light of your extractor bonnet with a simple touch. No matter which setting you choose, the touchControl function responds immediately. Perfectly coordinated: Extractor hood and hob. Would you like to take your cooking skills to a new level? How about a hob that interacts automatically with the extractor bonnet? With this intelligent automatic extractor system, the extractor bonnet adjusts the fan level to the temperature and power of the hob. Once cooking is complete, the extractor bonnet switches to the automatic after-run function. Simply connect your hob and the corresponding extractor bonnet to your registered Home Connect account. Quiet and powerful. Now cooking is even more fun: our extractor hoods with iQdrive motor reliably rid your kitchen of odours and vapours and are pleasantly quiet at the same time.


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

SIEMENS LC85KDK60 iQ100 wall-mounted boiler 80 cm clear glass black printed
Product highlight touchControl: Extractor power and LED lighting can be adjusted with just one touch. For quiet moments: the pleasantly quiet motor LED lighting: Illuminates the hob optimally and saves energy Filter saturation: automatic reminders to clean and replace the filters. The dishwasher-safe metal grease filters ensure easy cleaning. The Siemens iQ100 LC85KDK60 wall hob is an elegant solution for the extractor bonnet in your kitchen. With a width of 80 cm, it provides generous coverage above your hob. Its housing is made of high-quality clear glass, which is printed in elegant black, giving the cooker bonnet a modern and stylish look. This wall-mounted range hood is equipped with a powerful motor that enables efficient extraction of cooking vapours and odours. It has intuitive controls for easy and convenient operation. It is also equipped with energy-saving LED lighting that provides optimum illumination of your cooking surface. The Siemens iQ100 LC85KDK60 is a practical and aesthetically pleasing solution for any kitchen that needs a powerful and reliable cooker bonnet. Simple operation. Your kitchen is under control. With touchControl, you can control the extraction power and LED light of your extractor bonnet with a simple touch. No matter which setting you choose, the touchControl function responds immediately. Top performance that regulates itself smartly. When cooking several dishes at the same time or searing a good piece of meat, a lot of steam is produced for a short time. The intensive level is available for these situations. The intensive level is set so that it switches back automatically after five or ten minutes. This ensures that your extractor hood is running at full throttle during the increased steam development, but that you are not exposed to the increased noise level for longer than necessary. Consistently high performance. When was the last time you changed your filter? Thanks to the filter saturation function, your extractor hood automatically reminds you when your filters need to be cleaned or replaced. This ensures that your extractor hood delivers consistently high performance and optimally removes vapours, grease and odours from the air. The touchControl operation gives you all the information you need at a glance and allows you to change settings and reset the saturation indicator.

SIEMENS LC87KFN60 iQ300 wall-mounted boiler 80 cm clear glass black printed
Product highlight iQdrive motor: the quiet, powerful motor for efficient extraction of odours and vapours. cookConnect system: regulate the power levels and lighting of the extractor bonnet directly on the hob. touchControl: Extractor power and LED lighting can be adjusted with just one touch. LED light with adjustable light temperature: adjust the lighting to your preferences and needs. Intelligent automatic extractor: the perfect interplay between hob and extractor bonnet for greater cooking convenience. The SIEMENS LC87KFN60 iQ300 wall-mounted extractor bonnet is a stylish and powerful extractor bonnet that ensures clean air in any modern kitchen. With a width of 80 cm and an elegant design in clear black glass, this wall-mounted range hood will fit seamlessly into your kitchen interior. Thanks to the powerful motors and innovative iQdrive technology, the LC87KFN60 offers impressive extraction performance that effectively removes steam, odours and grease from the air. The intensive level with automatic reset ensures quick and thorough air purification for heavy cooking vapours. The cooker bonnet is equipped with a user-friendly TouchControl control panel for simple and intuitive control. The energy-saving LED lighting ensures even and bright illumination of the cooking area so that you always have an overview. The SIEMENS LC87KFN60 iQ300 wall hob offers flexible installation options and can be used in both exhaust air and recirculation mode. The easily accessible and dishwasher-safe metal grease filter facilitates cleaning and maintenance, so that the bonnet always works efficiently. With its combination of high-quality design, powerful technology and simple operation, the SIEMENS LC87KFN60 iQ300 wall-mounted hob is the ideal solution for discerning kitchen enthusiasts who value style and functionality. Quiet and powerful. Now cooking is even more fun: our extractor hoods with iQdrive motor reliably rid your kitchen of odours and vapours and are pleasantly quiet at the same time. Perfectly coordinated: Extractor hood and hob. Would you like to take your cooking skills to a new level? How about a hob that interacts automatically with the extractor bonnet? With this intelligent automatic extractor system, the extractor bonnet adjusts the fan level to the temperature and power of the hob. Once cooking is complete, the extractor bonnet switches to the automatic after-run function. Simply connect your hob and the corresponding extractor bonnet to your registered Home Connect account. Simple operation. Your kitchen is under control. With touchControl, you can control the extraction power and LED light of your extractor bonnet with a simple touch. No matter which setting you choose, the touchControl function responds immediately. The Siemens LC87KFN60 iQ300 wall hob is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a powerful, quiet and energy-efficient cooker bonnet with an elegant design.
